Reformatted excerpts from William Erik Baxter's message of 2009-09-27:
> Both modes support archive and kill in some form.  So I don't
> understand how this argues for splitting as opposed to consolidating
> the two modes.

How does the notion of killing a thread that makes sense except in the
context of having an special inbox mode?

> The need for preallocated, special-purpose labels like
> inbox and killed seems clear enough.  However, minimizing the amount
> of magical behavior they exhibit also seems beneficial, if only for
> the sake of consistency.  Treating the inbox as something other than
> an ordinary label search is magical.

The inbox is magical, because you do different things with your inbox
than you do with non-inbox buffers: you classify threads into a) I'm
done with this thread for now, but let me know if someone replies
(archive); b) I'm done with this thread for now and don't let me know if
someone replies (kill); c) I'll deal with this later (ignore).

> A patch to add this command to inbox-mode appears in the August sup-talk
> archive.  I would like to see this feature become part of the base system.

I agree.
William <>
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