Reformatted excerpts from Christopher Bertels's message of 2009-09-30:
> are there any plans on doing some internationalization?  If not, would
> people like to have something like this, now that I have mentioned it?

I have no immediate plans personally, but I would love to have this in

> I guess something yaml-based could work, there are some good libraries
> out there afaik.

There is a Ruby-Gettext package, which we already use for other reasons.
I think this is probably the best thing to start with, unless it turns
out to be too hard to use, in which case we could consider a custom

> I could take care of some german translation (and I suppose I'm not
> the only one on this list ;))

I know we have a fair amount of German and French representation on the
list, and that's probably representative of the user population in
general. So you should have an appreciative audience.
William <>
sup-talk mailing list

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