[2018-12-26 03:58] Alex Efros <power...@powerman.name>
> Hi!
> I'm not sure is it good idea to include .u files in usual rotation process
> at all, and especially handle them just like .s files. If several crashes
> happens for some reason in a short period of time this will result in
> deletion of all log files except last (say) 10 .u files, which are usually
> small and may contain just one line. Replacing 10MB of last logs with 10
> last log lines doesn't sounds like a nice idea.
> Possible "right" solution will be to keep same amount of last .u files as
> configured for .s files, i.e. if we've configured to keep last 10 files
> then we may have at most double amount (10 .u files and 10 .s files).
> (I didn't checked mentioned patches, so maybe they already works this way.)

Why would it be wrong to just keep appending to `current' instead of
moving it to `.u' file? (see my patch at end of bug thread)

And this issue happens not only on crash, it happens after every
termination of svlogd, due any signal. I would agree that SIGKILL is
crash, but issue reproduces with SIGINT and SIGTERM.

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