Steve Litt:
> On Sun, 2 Feb 2020 12:34:05 +0200
> fungal-net <> wrote:
>> Void is also
>> very close, I for one use it with s6 and 66 for a while now and in
>> many ways being more carefree than obarun having fast balls thrown by
>> arch daily.
> Have you, or are you going to, write documentation on how to install
> and maintain s6 (and presumably s6-rc) on Void? Are you using Void's
> s6* packages, or do you compile the stuff yourself? If you install
> Void's s6* packages, does that remove runit? I'd like to have both, to
> a/b them against each other and to more quickly learn s6*.

All s6 related packages are available on the repository (I believe all
current).  I think this work begun and was carried out by Duncaen (a
void main member) and he didn't give up, he just realized I think that
it would take fundamental void changes to incorporate it as an official
Mobinmob stepped in and brought 66 and libs into void and is maintaining
them (currently 1 version behind obarun).  The official documentation
for 66 is as well as and due to cross-distribution rules and
requests Eric caved into the pressure and provides both html and man
pages in the 66 pkg and tools.
What is missing from void are the ready made service files that are
available to copy/paste from
and place them into  /usr/share/66/service (instead of obarun's
/usr/lib/66/service).  The most important is the boot bundle enabled in
the boot tree.  --> Prototype template
of a service file.  Use only the fields that pertain to your service

> It seems trivial to me to deploy s6 stage 2 and migrate all my runit
> stage2 to s6 stage 2. However, migrating stage 1 sounds to me like an
> Einsteinian task. Runit's stage 1 repeatedly loops through .d
> directories in what I find to be an unobvious way.

Although I love riding my single speed 80s Bridgestone around the
neighborhood, on a long day's ride I prefer my disk braked 27s touring
contraption.  It makes life easier and the ride pleasant.  "Weight is
about the same".  I don't expect others to understand here, but you do.
It is a comparison between runit and s6/66.

> It seems to me that Void is getting more popular every day, and Void
> could serve as a Rosetta Stone between runit and s6. I'd appreciate any
> documentation you have or will write in the future concerning your use
> of s6* on Void.

I think void is at the verge of make or break.  What it needs is not
software but formal organization.  A group of friends can be very
effective till a crisis of friendship erupts.  When you work on a Ford
type assembly line what you do between whistles/horns is formal
organization, what noses you break in the break time are irrelevant or
with who you choose to get drunk between shifts.  When the horn blows
again you better be sober at your station, if you have any respect for
the work that you do yourself.  The tower of Babel is not around to
admire.  Formal organization does not imply a hierarchy, there have been
other ways.

> Thanks,
> SteveT
> Steve Litt 
> February 2020 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

To quickly answer your question, before mobinmob steps into the plate, I
would recommend this before
anything else.  What applies there it worked for 7-8 distributions it
was tried on.  Runit could be present, there are no conflicts, I choose
to remove it but runit-void better stay there, so it has to be force
separated.  I believe a solution where s6-void would conflict runit-void
would help, so what is needed on one is present on the other, but a mix
of the two that you are proposing should also be considered.  On artix
they force this separation to make the shift between three systems quick
and easy for all UX levels. :)


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