Am Do, Sep 19, 2024 am 07:51:50 +0200 schrieb Jan Braun:
Allowing the sysadmin to completely override the service.
Unfortunately this also forces the sysadmin to override the service for
every so little change,

... then begs the question: what's the advantage of having the
${S6CONFIGDIR}/system/config/seatd entry point at all? How much effort
does this save the admin over creating their own my_seatd service and
disabling the one you provide?
(Honest question, I don't fully grok s6.)

It doesn’t save any effort at all.

Being able to easily add custom services is a necessity anyway.

So maybe don't allow any customization (besides disabling) at all, ship

| #!/bin/execlineb -P
| fdmove -c 2 1
| seatd -n3 -u root -g seatd

and teach users to create new services with the 3rd line changed to
whatever they need.

For the record, I’m also in favor of this: the simpler the service scripts, the better in my opinion. They’re easier to understand, simpler to adapt. A short and direct script can be as descriptive as descriptive configuration files sometimes, but better because you actually know everything that takes place. :D


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