
sorry for our mailing list being down fro so long....

The Mplayer does not control the camera fps, it can only get the stream and
either play it at that speed or slower (on low power computer) - you may
always verify if it is computer's fault by using "-v0 null" option - there
will be no video, but the incoming fps will be shown.

5 fps on the camera side means that you probably do not have enough light -
by default the autoexposure is on, so it set the exposure time to 1/5 of a
second in your case. You may either increase light or (to some extent)
analog gain in the camera. If you open camera GUI, it shows the fps at which
sensor is currently running - if it is shown in red - the fps is limited by
the exposure (if you press "?" on the GUI and hover cursor over the
controls, it will provide "tooltips").

There are several ways who you can control fps in the camera, if needed you
may precisely synchronize frames with external trigger source.


2011/9/21 Jason Chen <jianzhong_c...@agiltron.com.cn>

> **
> Dear Andrey,
> Is there any way to change FPS with external command without modification
> of CPU/FPGA code ? When I use command "mplayer rtsp:// -vf
> scale=640:480 fps=60 -fs -zoom", I only can get 5 fps actually.
> We are planing to use Elphel NC353L as development tools to design a
> project in which the fps should reach more than 100 fps on 640x480
> resolution. Besides, we want to add a verilog module to read pixel data
> to detect moving object in such high speed video mode mentioned before,
> where is the best entry point for capturing frame data, is to read the
> "di_a" which is importing to histogram.v in parallel? What are the
> synchronous HACT and VACT signals importing to the histogram.v?
> I will be very appreciated if I can get your help!
>  Thanks & Regards
> Jason Chen
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> Agiltron Techmologies (Shenzhen)
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