---- On Mon, 29 Oct 2012 19:34:00 -0700 flavio soares<qazav...@gmail.com> wrote 
 > Btw, do you know what might be the cause of this header error? The cam 
 > didn't output any error messages while at the shooting set... 

Flavio, I do not know what caused it - maybe by analyzing th footage you (the 
very end of it) you can make some guesses - what did happen at that time. It 
seems that camogm just crashed, because it writes the header (atl least the 
major part of it - frame index) when it is closing the file (if it runs out of 
the reserved space for the table - it just closes that file and starts a new 
one). While the file is being recorded, the index table (displacement to the 
beginning of next frame chunk) is being built in memory. And only in the very 
end that table is known camogm writes it into the reserved space in the 
beginning of the file. It is possible to write the index at the end of file, 
but then you'll not be able to view it over the Internet simultaneously to 


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