Hi, Andrey,

I have recorded both in the HDD and the stream.

In this shot in particular, the hdd failed because we stood there 2 hours
under a 5000w light inside a room setting the scene - the hdd had no cooler
and eventually failed when the shot was made. I was able to mix two of
these shots so that the effect is sort of ok. But I wanted to check the
stream because it jitters less (to be able to use the hdd shot, I had to
manually repeat some dngs with defect so that I had a scene, but then the
repeated frames jitter a bit in some parts of the scene).

The shots recorded with the HDD are fine - meaning the problem was the heat
in the hdd, not anything to do with the camera. So the DNGs even upside
down are more than ok! =)

thanks for all the help!


2012/11/18 support-list <support-list@support.elphel.com>

> **
> Hello Flavio,
> What are your source files? Did you record video on HDD or you streamed it
> over the network and used other software for converting and recording?
> Files recorded by the camera to the HDD have all the Exif fields,
> including MakerNote, but I'm not sure if other programs preserve them all.
> Another thing - when you record to the HDD you can record more data (higher
> resolution/fps/image quality), the difference is at least 60% so I do not
> see any reason for recording over the network if you have HDD attached.
> Among other things MakerNote field has the parameters for analog gains,
> gamma, and flips (hor/vert) so the software can correctly process the data.
> When you change flips in the camera, the output the frame that is output
> shifts by 1 pixel, so the Bayer pattern stays the same  - if you just flip
> the frame the Bayer mosaic will change.
> Andrey
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