Terry R. wrote:
The date and time was Tuesday, March 31, 2009 4:48:11 PM, and on a whim, googl...@kwcpa.com pounded out on the keyboard:

On Mar 31, 7:11 pm, "Terry R." <terry.f1...@nospamgmail.com> wrote:
The date and time was Tuesday, March 31, 2009 3:03:07 PM, and on a whim,
googl...@kwcpa.com pounded out on the keyboard:

On Mar 31, 4:54 pm, Ray_Net <tbrraymond.schmit...@tbrscarlet.be>
googl...@kwcpa.com wrote:
On Mar 30, 6:58 pm, Ray_Net <tbrraymond.schmit...@tbrscarlet.be>
googl...@kwcpa.com wrote:
Ok - here's an example of the problem, based on a short message I
composed in HTML.  In HTML, there was a blank line before the line
that starts "Me".  When I go into the sent folder and do a view ->
message source, the blank line is there (although the message has been
converted totext).
However, when I just look at either the received message (i sent it to myself, among others), or the copy in my sent folder, the blank line is MISSING. Pull a few blank lines in a row from a long message and
it becomes very hard to read.
From - Mon Mar 30 13:44:36 2009
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00800000
Message-ID: [omitted]
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 13:44:35 -0400
From: [omitted]
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090303 SeaMonkey/1.1.15
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: This Week...
Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
OK - Wed is the first of 3 more prepaid weeks.
I -believe- the following people are playing Wednesday:
Me, Kathy, Art, Lisa, Jon, Peter, John, Beth, Kevin    (Ed is away
this week)
If you're on the list above and aren't "IN", please let me know
Otherwise, we'll assume a  quorum.
OK - Wed is the first of 3 more prepaid weeks.
I -believe- the following people are playing Wednesday:
Me, Kathy, Art, Lisa, Jon, Peter, John, Beth, Kevin    (Ed is away
this week)
If you're on the list above and aren't "IN", please let me know
Otherwise, we'll assume a  quorum.
Thanks for furnishing us an pseudo-working example.
I do your test.
It seems that only you have a problem ...
My RESULT IS CORRECT: Have a look !!!!
Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-DCC-scarlet.be-Metrics: hel 20001; Body=1 Fuz1=1 Fuz2=2
X-UIDL: (%l!!\pP!!""i!!joZ"!
OK - Wed is the first of 3 more prepaid weeks.
I -believe- the following people are playing Wednesday:
Me, Kathy, Art, Lisa, Jon, Peter, John, Beth, Kevin    (Ed is away
this week)
If you're on the list above and aren't "IN", please let me know
Otherwise, we'll assume a  quorum.
You gottext, not HTML
You always speak about a conversion ...there is no conversion needed.
In the case you furnished....The inputtextin plaintext, so the mail
is also plaintext. All is NORMAL.
You said also "the blank line is MISSING. " ...i used your inputtextas
test, and i did not have any blank line missing as you show us.
So YOUR pc have a problem .... not mine.
If you want to sent a mail in HTML format, please furnish him an HTMLtext. AnyWay, you NEVER cannot force the recipient to read it in HTML format.
I can't furnish in HTML, SM always converts it to plaintext.  and I
never said I wanted to force anyone to do anything (except for certain
readers to read the whole thread and take a request seriously) 8-}
Like I mentioned, if you insert a sig that has just one HTML element,
say a specific color or something of that sort, then it would be sent in
HTML.  Or use the Insert HTML and insert a horizontal line at the top or
bottom (i.e. <hr> ). That will force it to be sent in HTML.

Terry R.

Thanks Terry - I appreciate it, and I know many people (from postings
elsewhere) use this workaround.  I just thought that if there were so
many people working around something, it might make sense to request a

best regards

I can see how it is confusing, although I agree with the method. Most of us write a message and send it off. I compose in HTML and I have a serif font as my default. I have my settings set to send in HTML to specific people in my AB, and because my sig file is an HTML file, it's sent that way.

But if I don't have any specific HTML elements and I am composing in HTML mode, TB is taking the privilege to send the message as it sees fit, since there aren't any HTML elements included.

I would agree that if the user has the settings to compose in HTML, it should be sent in HTML, EVEN if there is only a font setting as the default.

Terry R.
How can i (as you said) compose in HTML if there is NOTHING in HTML ?
If there is nothing in HTML, SM have the right to send it in plain text.... because it's a plain-text text.

If you want that we try your problem ...tell us step by step how to get
your "the blank line is MISSING. " symptom.
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