Martin Feitag wrote:
chicagofan schrieb:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
chicagofan wrote:
For some reason I cannot install their media player to view Fox TV shows.
What do I need to do? The message given is "install script"cannot be found.

Thanks for any advice...

Could you post a link?


I was trying to view the latest "House" episode, and got the install
their player
message.  After doing that, the install script message appears.


This just seems to be flash (can only check with "Tribute to Kutner" as I am outside the US). So have you got flash installed and activated? (or do they use a diferent player or the full episodes?)

Kutner is what I wanted to see.  I do have Flash installed, and they don't
identify their player that I can see.

The Message suggests that the install script is not compatible with your browser. That often happens with plugins made for the newer plugin-system which firefox already has and SM2.0 will have. I bet that with Seamonkey2.0alpha it would work. If you want to test, give it a try (it won't touch your SM1.1.x when installed seperately)


I think I will try the 2.0 release, and see if that works, because I've had
trouble with other sites that were less important.

Thanks, Martin... hope you're right it won't affect 1.1.14.  :)
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