The date and time was Friday, April 10, 2009 4:54:27 PM, and on a whim, NoOp pounded out on the keyboard:

On 04/10/2009 04:23 PM, Terry R. wrote:

Actually it would be better for you to uninstall WS. I don't allow that search crap on any workstations I manage. Nothing but a performance hit.

Terry R.

I agree in general - I use linux. However, that doesn't negate the fact
that the SM mapi32.dll causes issues with quite new & recent MS
applications. I'd much prefer to find a fix so that SM doesn't interfere
with other applications. Further, if you read the bug provided by
Philip, there are other, more critical applications that this affects
(Groupwise & Outlook for example). I think it better to spend some time
resolving the issue rather than having new users experience issues with
applications that they chose to install on their systems.

From what I know using TB, this isn't an issue any longer. It was when I used NS, and I don't have SM installed.

Terry R.
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