On or about 5/21/2009 8:49 AM, caver1 typed the following:
> Nobody wrote:
>> Ant wrote:
>>> On 5/17/2009 4:56 PM PT, Ant typed:
>>>>>> Is it me or are embedded videos broken for Firefox v2.0.0.20 (yes,
>>>>>> I know should be using v3) and SeaMonkey v1.1.16?
>>>>>> http://www.videosift.com/video/SNL-Celebrity-Jeopardy-Season-Finale-09
>>>>>> I tried disabling adblock fully. Enabling referrers help a little,
>>>>>> but only bypass the ads.
>>>>>> Thank you in advance. :)
>>>>> Most likely it the Flash file that is at fault.  When I viewed your
>>>>> link the image showed with a Go Arrow, but clicking the arrow only
>>>>> showed download in process, but nothing ever downloaded.
>>>>> I selected another link on that page and everything loaded and
>>>>> played in Flash 10.
>>>> Yeah, it is only NBC.com's embedded videos that don't work. :(
>>> Here's another embedded NBC.com video:
>>> http://www.videosift.com/video/SNL-Justin-Timberlake-Immigrant-Sketch
>>> ... :(
>> Maybe blame <videosift>... and not the Proud As A Peacock Network??
> Using FF3 Ubuntu 9.04 no problems with video viewing.
> caver1

Doesn't work on SM 1.1.16 either.  Commercial plays perfectly but
presentation just shows a rotation circle.

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