Daniel wrote:
Nelson Bolyard wrote:
horst39 wrote, On 2009-05-10 02:33 PDT:
On 09.05.2009 19:44,  NoOp wrote:
Before moving everything, I'd fire up the test profile, then in
about:config check for 'security' and compare the settngs (taking
screenshots is probably the easiest). Could be that you inadvertently
changed a setting from default & changing it back may resolve the issue.

You are right: there are about 10 additional "security" in my new profile. But it is not easy to understand what each line means, even looking at the Mozilla KB (not all are described here). Further the impossibility to print or copy the about:config doesn't simplify the problem.

about:config shows you all your "preference strings" (prefs for short).
Each pref consists of a long name and a value.

Many (most) of your prefs will have the "default" value, meaning the value that SeaMonkey puts into a brand-new profile, and stays there if you don't change it. Some prefs will have a "user set" value (a value that you changed
from the default, probably by making a configuration change in the
preferences dialogs). The user set values are generally displayed in bold,
and show the words "user set" in the "status" column.

All the prefs are strings of ordinary printable characters. about:config shows you that some are "strings", others are "boolean" or "integer", but "boolean" and "integer" are merely restrictions on the format and content
of the strings.

In your profile directory is a file named prefs.js. That file contains all your "user set" prefs, and none of the "default" prefs. The file is just text. You can print it with notepad (on windows) or any other program that
will print plain text files.  The prefs are kept in alphabetical order.

Almost right, Nelson.
Nelson, *some* of the default preference-settings *are* appearing in the prefs.js, but most default-preferences do not.

All the prefs are contained in a file called "prefs.js".

No. All of the preferences are in the about:config as Nelson has stated.

This files contents can then be displayed and altered by typing "about:config" in the browsers address bar.

No. about:config displays *all* of the preferences, and edits many-more preferences than just the few listed in the contents of prefs.js..

My current prefs.js lists 887 preference-settings, whereas my about:config lists many thousands of preference-settings (based on comparison of the size of my prefs.js scroll-bar, which is about 7-times as-long as my about:config scroll-bar, using same-size text and windows).

Unfortunately, my current about:config can't be saved, printed, copied, or migrated to something which can precisely-count the number of preference-lines, so I can't give a precise number, but the relative scroll-bar size-difference says it all.

By way of example, in my first-five about:config default-preferences, the first four default-preferences are omitted from prefs.js:-


with only the fifth default-preference -


actually getting itself included within prefs.js..

Heh! I just noted that the sixth about:config default-preference ~


also doesn't appear in prefs.js, and you might expect that particular-preference child to be included in the prefs.js file, if the parent is getting included.

That is pretty-much the state-of-play between about:config and prefs.js.

Another way you can alter the prefs is to write the pref you wish to change into a text file called "user.js". Then, when you next start SeaMonkey, these changes will be incorporated, safely, into your "prefs.js" file.
I haven't used that method in a while, so can't comment.


If you open it in an editor of some kind, you should avoid saving/writing
the file back to disk.  An editor may change your prefs.js file in a way
that will ruin it.
Very true. There are some woeful editors around, and the about:config editing works fine.

You can back it up and restore it, of course. Avoid the temptation to copy
it from one system to another or from one profile to another, because it
contains directory names that are unique to each profile.  If you put a
prefs.js file in the wrong profile, that will be a serious problem for both the profile in which you put it, and the profile in which it really belongs.

By the way, in your profile directory are three files whose names end in
.db (on Windows).  If PSM won't start, odds are good that something bad
has happened to one of those files. So, before you go and create a whole
new profile, try restoring just those 3 files from a backup.  Of course,
be sure your browser is not running when you do that.

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