On 06/10/09 03:36, Arne wrote:
> Benoit Renard wrote:
>> stan wrote:
>>> There's a really nice and very simple addon that places an "X" in the 
>>> upper right corner of each tab header that can be
>>>  used to terminate a tab.  I can't find it.
>> It's right here:
>> <http://users.skynet.be/fa258499/hackedexts.html#tabx>
> Okay, so I downloaded it. But how do I install it????????
> When clicking on the file on my Windows (Vista Business, btw) screen, 
> Windows just ask what i want to do: Find a program or choose a 
> existing program to open it. I don't want to open it, just install.

Save it to your local disk, then use File -> Open File from your
browser to open it. The browser will then install it.

> Why does clicking on the link on your page not just install it, as is 
> the case for most other add-on/extensions?
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