On Oct 31, 1:40 pm, chicagofan <m...@privacy.net> wrote:
>   NoOp wrote:
> >> On 10/30/2009 02:50 PM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
> >>> Server: news.eternal-september.org Fails on port NNTP (119) and NNTPS
> >>> (563 with SSL) with this message:
> >>>http://www.tmr.com/~davidsen/Private/SS-NoPost-SM2.0.png
> That's the same message I get *anytime* ES has too much traffic or they are
> doing maintenance, etc., which is not uncommon.  Is this the only message you
> have gotten, besides not being able to connect, of course?
> >>> And my first test post to this server failed silently as well.  WTH?
> >>> NOTE: since tested on another server with auth, fails there as well.
> >> news.eternal-september.org works just fine for me. Server settings 563
> >> SSL/TLS 'Always request authentication when connecting to this server-
> >> outgoing server is the same as this email account.
> It's working fine for me too, on Port 119, as news.eternal-september.org, with
> the "Always request authentication" box checked under the news server 
> settings.
> Note, my setup isn't using SSL [Port 563] though.
> Hope something works for you, but I don't think it's a SM 2.0 problem.  :)
> bj

I have a problem that has the same symptoms that started after I
installed SM 2.0.  I had to sign on to my google(tm) account to post


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