S. Beaulieu wrote:
nickfruscello wrote:

Recently, I downloaded Seamonkey 2.0 RC and noticed that the copy
function does not work. I tried Ctrl+C, choosing Edit and then copy,
right click copy and none of them worked. I uninstalled the browser
completely, reinstalled it with the current 2.0 version on the front
page and I'm still having this problem. I'm using Windows XP
professional service pack 3.

I'm having the exact same problem at work, where we are still running
Win2k. And it's not only in the navigator: the copy function doesn't
work in Mail either. It's a major functionality, so let's just say that
right now, my coworkers are not happy campers...


Well, I downloaded and installed it on Win 2K, SP4. It installed fine, and migrated the profile without issue. Copy/Paste is working fine too.

I wonder if there might be a profile issue that is causing your problem. Have you tried starting in Safe Mode, to see if it works? If that fails, try creating a new profile and see if it works.

It does work, we just need to see what is causing the problem in your setup.

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