Ray_Net wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Personally, I could not even imagine going back to SM 1.1.18. 2.0 is a fine product, different to be sure, but almost universally better.

Personaly if the SM 2 Bug


is not solved SM2 is *not* better.

The grass may seem greener on the other side of the fence, but if you start to climb the fence and in the process cut yourself, tear your clothes, scrape your knee and sprain your ankle, and then get stuck just before reaching the top and have to painfully climb back down, the crossing may not be worth it.

That's how I feel after trying to migrate 3 separate profiles in 3 separate user areas of Win XP.

Then to hear that you can't cut & paste within SM3 - all of a sudden there are a lot of brown patches on that grass.

I'm really disappointed in SM's install implementation and Robert Kaiser's attitude ("Almost all of the problem are migration problems only..." as if they were insignificant.) I've never had as much trouble upgrading a program as I've had going from SM 1.8 to 2.0. And I've been a faithful user since Mosaic and Navigator.

I'm going to forgo all the supposed wonderful goodies on the other side of that fence and wait until SM 2.0.1 makes it possible to get there without a trip to the hospital or a degree in computer science.

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