Lance Courtland wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Personally, I could not even imagine going back to SM 1.1.18. 2.0 is
a fine product, different to be sure, but almost universally better.

Personaly if the SM 2 Bug

is not solved SM2 is *not* better.

The grass may seem greener on the other side of the fence, but if you
start to climb the fence and in the process cut yourself, tear your
clothes, scrape your knee and sprain your ankle, and then get stuck just
before reaching the top and have to painfully climb back down, the
crossing may not be worth it.

That's how I feel after trying to migrate 3 separate profiles in 3
separate user areas of Win XP.

Then to hear that you can't cut & paste within SM3 - all of a sudden
there are a lot of brown patches on that grass.

I'm really disappointed in SM's install implementation and Robert
Kaiser's attitude ("Almost all of the problem are migration problems
only..." as if they were insignificant.) I've never had as much trouble
upgrading a program as I've had going from SM 1.8 to 2.0. And I've been
a faithful user since Mosaic and Navigator.

I'm going to forgo all the supposed wonderful goodies on the other side
of that fence and wait until SM 2.0.1 makes it possible to get there
without a trip to the hospital or a degree in computer science.


First of all, see my response to Ray, the copy/paste problem is far from a universal one. Most users find it works without issue. I have no problem with it at all, in either Mac OS or XP.

As far as ptofile migration, either you people have short memories, or, more likely, you are just not as old as me.

I remember clearly when Firefox 0.9 was released. FF stored its profile in a completely new location (actually similar to where SM is placing it now). There was an Import Wizard that was to move the profile data to this new location. Same deal, for some people it worked, for some it didn't.

Those of us who were testing beta's knew it was coming. For those who didn't, the uproar was incredible. The number of people who swore that they would never move on, they would never upgrade, was, well, similar to what we see here, if not worse.

Well, of course they did, and now FF is the most popular of the alternative browsers.

I know, we are talking five years ago, and a product that had not reached 1.0 status. Still it is an analogous situation. FF 0.9 probably had more users then SM 1.1.x has now. Yet all their profiles had to be fairly recent, and still they had problems.

SM 1.x was an already old and creaky base of code. It was released to save the program. It was to benefit the oldline users of Netscape and Mozilla Suite. Many of their profiles were converted from Communicator, and then used through any number of different programs and versions. They are going to have problems, and probably need to be rebuilt.

Maybe the reason that I had little problem with the conversion is that I tend to play fast and loose with my profiles, for testing purposes. I rebuild them periodically, just to keep them cleaned up.

Profile migration is unlikely to improve in future point releases, which will contain security related changes. Waiting for 2.0.1 is unlikely to be the answer. As I recall, didn't Robert post in this group that 2.1 would probably not migrate profiles? Certainly no answer there.

So folks, you are left with two choices. Either bite the bullet now, or stay with 1.1.18. If you stay with 1.1.18, you are staying with a dead end, it won't be updated. Sooner or later, you are either going to have to go the new SeaMonkey, or find other options entirely. Either way you are going to have move your data somehow.

If you choose to stay with SeaMonkey 2.0, and migrate your data manually, once its done its done, and you are ready for the new world. If you need help doing so, help is available here. If not, I hope you have the best of luck with wherever you choose to go.


Netscape Champion
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