Leonidas Jones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Barbara Norvell wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Barbara Norvell wrote:
MCBastos wrote:

I miss that about the Sidebar, too. This was a default behavior - no
add-ons required - with both the Sidebar and the Mail Preview pane
the previous Modern themes (you had to click the handle, but that
was ok
by me) now you have to drag, and nothing is remembered. Sucks...

Okay, this is odd. Using Venerable Modern, I have grippies, and with a
click I can hide the side bar, then display it again. Just to make
it is not theme related, I switched back to the default theme. The
grippies are still there, and I can still hide and display the sidebar
with one click. That does not work for you?


Nope - not for me, or the OP. I just switched Themes and checked.

When I choose the Modern theme, I have the grippies and clicking those
snaps the Sidebar open/shut. Last location is remembered. Same for all
the panes displayed in Mail/News.

When I'm in the Default Theme - no grippies, no snap. For either the
browser window or any of the panes of Mail/News - just a dot in teh
center where the grippie should be.

Did this twice (or more...) same each time.

This seems like another graphics interface thing, like my not being
to right-click (cntrl+click) a contextual menu if I click above the
Address bar; on the same line the window title is displayed, but not on
the title itself...

No I got it. In my haste, I switched to the SeaMonkey Modern theme, the
"other" default that comes preinstalled. That has grippies. The actual
SeaMonkey Default theme does not. Too bad, at least on a Mac, the
default theme is pretty nice. Try switching to SeaMonkey Modern and see
if the grippies appear for you.

By the way Phillip, Sky Pilot Classic installed here. Since I have Mr
Tech installed, I am not sure if that allowed the install, or if it just
goes. Try it and see.


Yes - that's what I did...just did it again. Looks like you're seeing
what I'm seeing. I'm trying to make all of my observations while using
the new default Theme...because it's new. I haven't installed any
add-ons or other themes.

How about the contextual menu thing? I can't right click (cntrl+click,
or two-finger tap) if I try to do it in the window title line of the
browser...it's not so bad in Mail/News because there's big open areas to
click/tap in, but for the browser window it's a bit tight. Only a
problem with the Default Theme.

Your MacBook is newer then mine, the two finger tap doesn't work here,
but click and hold does. I went back to Sailfish's Venerable Modern, and
there is plenty of room for a right click/click and hold. I don;t really
want to shut SM down right now to switch themes, but I will check it
later in the default theme.

Aha, I just tried opening Seamonkey 2.0 on Win 2.K. (Virtualbox is a
wonderful thing!) On Windows, the default theme *has* gripppies. It
seems to be a Mac bug.

Default theme on Windows has plenty of room for right clicking.


That's what I was thinking...one thing I do like is that now I don't have to shut SM down to switch themes - it will ask if I wish to switch and relaunch, and I think will remember my last state...I'll try that now...

     - Rufus
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