
>I've subscribed to the feed for Seamonkey 2.0 addons and I keep waiting 
>impatiently for updates to some of my favorite Firefox/Thunderbird addons.
>Some of the ones I'd like are Quote colors, Quote collapse (very good 
>for reading newsgroups), image toolbar, extended statusbar, download 
>statusbar and so on.

Impatient people may hack like this ...

>Is it possible to hack these to run with SM2.0 by adding an entry for 
>targetApplication in the install.rdf file?
>Something like this:
>     <em:targetApplication>
><!-- Seamonkey -->
>       <Description>
>               <em:id>{92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a}</em:id>
>               <em:minVersion>1.0</em:minVersion>
>               <em:maxVersion>2.1a1pre</em:maxVersion>
>       <Description>

... or simply, if lazy *g*, use this Pref ...

----- user.js -----
user_pref("extensions.checkCompatibility", false);

... but this by no means implies that they will work with SM2. It may
be, but it may not and it could even be dangerous.

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