On 11/09/2009 09:51 AM, Ken wrote:
>       I am using SeaMonkey 2.0 and have had very few problems except for the 
> one regarding copying and pasting text.  I have read comments about 
> McAfee (which I have) and their "site adviser," but I do not have that 
> installed.  At any rate, the copying/pasting problem is so random that I 
> can live with it.
>       I would now like to load SeaMonkey 2.0 on a laptop computer and use all 
> the profile data from my desktop computer on it.  If I was to copy the 
> .slt folder from my desktop to a memory stick, could I direct SeaMonkey 
> 2.0 to import that profile to the laptop?  Thanks.

I do this quite often. All I do is copy the entire .mozilla folder over
to the other machine. Then in a text editor I mass replace the name of
the old machine to the name of the new machine in the prefs.js file(s).

So, for example if in the old prefs.js file there was an entry like:
"/home/<oldusername>/.mozilla/seamonkey/xyz0123.default/News" [1]
I'd mass replace <oldusername> with <newusername>. Most text editors
have a find and replace feature that you can replace all at one time.

That's it. Start SeaMonkey & off you go.

[1] For Win2K, XP the profile is located at:
Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\Mozilla\
 Windows Vista          
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