On 11/11/2009 7:35 PM, Hartmut Figge wrote:
> David E. Ross:
>> What do I have to set for this fourth profile to have about:config the
>> same as the other three profiles?
> Are there perhaps different userChrome.css in the chrome folder of the
> profiles?

userChrome.css is the same.

> Or, you might have the same set of extensions, but are they also
> configured equally?

The extensions are:
Activate Autocomplete
Adblock Plus 1.1.1
FlashBlock 1.3.14
PrefBar 4.2.0
Show (Master) Passwords 0.1.3

While they are not configured exactly the same (e.g., different PrefBar
toolbars, different URIs blocked by AdBlock Plus), I don't see them
affecting the about:config display.

> And then there is the user.js. Hopefully, because changes to the
> prefs.js via about:config are hard to remember. ;)

Except when testing the effects of changed preference variables, I
always use user.js if the [Edit > Preferences] user interface does not
set the variables.  I just now checked; user.js is the same between the
anomalous profile and my primary profile.

David E. Ross

Go to Mozdev at <http://www.mozdev.org/> for quick access to
extensions for Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and other
Mozilla-related applications.  You can access Mozdev much
more quickly than you can Mozilla Add-Ons.
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