On 11/12/2009 7:10 AM, David E. Ross wrote:
> On 11/11/2009 8:49 PM, Hartmut Figge wrote:
>> David E. Ross:
>> [...]
>> Nice riddle. A challenge. *g*
>> Hm. MailNews doesn't matter for the about:config Display, so my first
>> step in examining this would be to rename the prefs.js, restart SM2 in
>> the browser with this profile and see, if the oddity remains.
>> By the way, have you tested this profile with -safe-mode?
>> Hartmut
> I tried safe mode for another reason a few days ago.  Because most of my
> extensions were installed globally, they are active in safe mode.

I closed SeaMonkey.  In the profile where I saw the anomalous
about:config display, I renamed files profile.js and user.js.  Then I
restarted SeaMonkey.  In that profile, the about:config display appeared
as for the other profiles.

I closed SeaMonkey.  In the profile where I saw the anomalous
about:config display, I restored the names of files profile.js and
user.js.  Then I restarted SeaMonkey.  In that profile, the about:config
display remained the same as for the other profiles.  Problem fixed.

This is strange since the problem was occurring every time before then.

David E. Ross

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