R.S. Chandgie wrote:
On the Mozilla/SM web site, The 'System Requirements' page lists Windows
7 as one of the operating systems for SM 2.x. However, nowhere on the
site can I find where the default Profile Folder is installed. The
locations are listed for other OS as follows:

/This data is stored in your /profile folder/, which is located in one
of the following locations depending on your operating system:
Windows Vista   Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey
Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003   Documents and
Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\Mozilla\SeaMonkey
Mac OS X        ~/Library/Application Support/SeaMonkey
Linux and Unix systems  ~/.mozilla/seamonkey

Can someone tell me where the Profile Folder is installed in Windows 7?
SM 2.x will be installed on a new laptop that has no previous edition of
SM on it.
Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks, Bob

there is a a slight mistake in the Mac reference.

There are three libraries, on Mac OSX.

The main Library,is located when you first double click or open the hard drive.

Then there is a Library located in Username (username being you gave as your account say you name for example or hoby, or whatever, example: JohnDoughe > Library > )

Then there is a Library in the System Folder.

the proper library Should be Hard drive name/username/Application Support/SeaMonkey

There actually is an Application support > Directory in both the Main and user Libraries

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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