David E. Ross wrote:
On 11/15/2009 12:10 AM, Richard wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Richard wrote:
Philip Chee wrote:
On Sat, 14 Nov 2009 09:25:30 -0800, Ant wrote:

Is SeaMonkey ever going to get new v1.1 version or is v1.1.18 it? Just wondering since Mozilla doesn't update and support Firefox v2.0.0.20 that SM v1.1.18 is based on.
When KaiRo gets back from his holiday, we will re-look at the situation.
Basically Mozilla itself had abandoned the Gecko 1.8.1 platform some
time ago but we were still getting some security fixes from Linux
vendors who continued to upstream their fixes for a while. This seems to
have dried up. We are trying to get a reply from the contact
representing the consortium of Linux vendors that have long lived stable
branches to see how much longer they will maintain this Gecko branch or
if it has been abandoned completely. Unfortunately I fear that the
latter is the case.


So were stuck with this ver 2, reminds me of a problem we had with a Netscape version way back, also a ver 2 I think or was it ver 3? Netscape lost a great deal of support and ground to ie after that particular disastrous version.

Does anyone know of another Browser suite that allows multiple profiles?
SM 2.0 allows multiple profiles - they've just hidden the Profile Manager without telling anyone...like with a few other features.

Select Switch Profiles after opening SM 2.0, and you'll get the Profile Manager. Once you have more than one, it will come up by default at launch.

I spent a week trying to recover my multiple profiles and eventually gave up, how can the developers of sm not see this as an issue and have something in the new version to take care of this? or at the very least warn users of this ISSUE and it is an issue, they really must be stupid.

I take it the developers are either Linux users or act like Linux users such egg heads that they believe they are too smart for those of us unable to code! Well, I have sm at multiple sites and will certainly not be upgrading to ver2 and if I can find an alternate multi profile system I will, even if it means moving to the dreaded ie engine perminantly.

I using SeaMonkey 2 on Windows XP SP2.  I installed it one evening and
went to bed.  After breakfast the next morning, I migrated my primary
profile and three others successfully.

No, the instructions for migrating profiles were not as clear as they
should be.  But installing SeaMonkey 2 in a different location than
SeaMonkey 1.1.18 was important.  Backing-up my SeaMonkey 1.1.18 before
installing SeaMonkey 2 proved to be important (primarily because, at
first, I tried installing SeaMonkey 2 directly over SeaMonkey 1.1.18).

After installation, I found that I had to review about:config for
SeaMonkey 2 to correct preferences that pointed to my local files.  They
had to point to the SeaMonkey 2 files instead of SeaMonkey 1.1.18 files.
   I also had to set some preference variables in user.js in my
SeaMonkey 2 profiles because of open bug reports #526399 and #338549,
but I already had entries in user.js for SeaMonkey 1.1.x bugs.  Finally,
I submitted a few bug reports of my own; but I've submitted many such
reports against SeaMonkey 1.1.x.

Now, I'm using SeaMonkey 2.  I found that I needed one less extension
because that extension's capabilities were better implemented in the
basic SeaMonkey.  I found that the long-awaited Web fonts capability had
been implemented.  And I found a number of old bugs that I had been
tracking are now closed, not merely because they were asserted to be
closed but as a result of my own testing.

I will likely remove SeaMonkey 1.1.18 in about a month.  I've used it
only to check to see if certain SeaMonkey 2 anomalies also existed in
SeaMonkey 1.1.18.


Please help those of us struggling to migrate multiple profiles in different user areas of Win XP SP3.

Precisely what are the steps used to migrate these profiles?
What preference variables did you have to set in user.js?
What changes did you make in about:config?
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