Serge Popper wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Serge Popper wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Serge Popper wrote:
Fifteen minutes on the first attempt and over 30 minutes on the second
attempt. As a matter of fact, when I clicked on the screen, after thirty
minutes, a screen came up which said not responding. Think I should wait

No. I would think 30 minutes should do.

I suppose you could try limiting the data to be migrted to that which
you really need to be transferred, but I suppose the next answer will be
manual transfer of the data. I hope someone else has a better answer.

Thanks Lee. I tried again, before you responded, and it worked this
time. Took exactly 26 minutes and now it is all there. Appreciate your

I suppose the saying "patience is a virtue" really applies here!

I'm so glad its working for you.

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