Martin Freitag wrote:
desertgal schrieb:
Sqwertz wrote:
On Sat, 28 Nov 2009 07:27:15 -0800, desertgal wrote:

Seamonkey 2 doesn't ask for a password for email. I can't find a place
to put the password when I set up the account & the password box
come up. Also, there is no Mail folder in the profile. I'm running SM2
on a Win7 laptop, trying to get pop mail from gmail. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

It will ask you the first time it logs in. Check the boxes to
remember the account name and password.

I've tried to log in, it just comes up & says connection refused. It
never asks for the password when I tell it to get mail.

Just a guess:
Tools => Password Manager
Have a look for mailbox://.......... and delete the unwanted entries.


As another guess, take a look at the server settings in account settings. It sounds as though you are trying to contact a secure server without the security option enabled, or vice versa.

Edit>>Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings>>(accountinquestion)>>Server Settings

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