S. Beaulieu wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:

It is a pretty easy approach. I amso glad to here its working for you.
Let us know if we can be of further help.

Well, there is only one thing: my fonts in SM (and not elsewhere, it
semms, but I haven't played much with anything but SM) now look all kind
of fuzzy/blurry, not as sharp as they were on my old computer. I've
tried playing with my screen's and Windows' settings, thinking at first
that it had to do with drivers and such, but it really seems to be
restricted to SM. Even the font itself looks slightly of different than
before (which shouldn't be the case, as I didn't change anything on that

Do you have any ideas what could be causing this? Would it have to do
with my Appearance settings?


Well, I'm a Mac user. I have Windows boxes, but nothing running Win7 at this point. Perhaps a Win & user will jump in.

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