John Doue wrote:
Norvin wrote:
Hartmut Figge wrote:

Just updated to SM 2.0 and now when I am doing work other than
mail/internet (SM not on)

Example for that work?

SM will start by itself.

What does SM do when started?

I can leave the computer with the desktop showing, go get a cup of
coffee and come back and SM will be on showing my normal screen of my
emails. Everything works fine, just that SM becomes active without my

How many people work in your office and are practical jokers?

Beyond this, when you turn on your machine in the morning (right time
for coffee, no?), which programs are active? Did you check msconfig?
With more details about your machine configuration, might be easier to
reproduce the miracle ...

This is my home PC, no one else has access. This just started when I installed SM 2.0 this morning. Prior to that everything was fine. When I power on in the morning, my system comes up with my desktop and would stay there all day long if I did nothing, now, within several minutes, SM will launch and I come up with my mail and newsgroups.

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