On 12/7/2009 5:58 PM, Rufus wrote:
> Mark Hansen wrote:
>> On 12/7/2009 12:23 PM, Rufus wrote:
>>> Mark Hansen wrote:
>>>> On 12/7/2009 12:01 PM, Rufus wrote:
>>>>> Philip Chee wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, 06 Dec 2009 12:11:35 -0800, Rufus wrote:
>>>>>>> too...what's up with the interface guys working this project?..
>>>>>> Unlike Firefox we don't have any UX guys (paid or unpaid) working on
>>>>>> this project.
>>>>>> Phil
>>>>> ...how about some common sense, then?
>>>> Good Grief! Why anyone would want to purposely insult those who
>>>> volunteer their time for this project and its user base is beyond
>>>> me.
>>> I thought they wanted (and deserve...) feedback when they get it wrong?
>>> The itty-bitty buttons on the new Download panes are pretty clearly 
>>> wrong.  Particularly for laptop users.  It was right before...make it 
>>> right again.  That seems like common sense, to me.
>> Your comments were clearly insulting. Not constructive. Whether you agree
>> with a UI (or any other application aspect) choice or not, there is no
>> reason to insult the volunteers working to keep this project moving
>> forward.
>> This is just my humble opinion. I am not one of those volunteers. I am one
>> that appreciates their efforts.
> Sorry you feel that way, but they are also accurate...welcome to user 
> feedback-land...
> Accurate and constructive - far more so than the general "SM 2.0 is 
> crap" commentary going on elsewhere by people whom are clearly outraged 
> at the "upgrade".  The far too small buttons are clearly not a "move 
> forward"...and that's just one example.
> I may have the team at a disadvantage because I DO evaluate human 
> interfaces for software for a living, but my comments still stand - and 
> I hope those whom are coding are listening...to ALL of us whom are not 
> pleased.  I have a growing list of gripes I plan to submit formal bug 
> reports against.

My comment wasn't about whether there was a UI problem. I'm sorry you're
not able to keep on track. My comment was with regard to your insult of
the development volunteers.

Insulting the volunteers is not going to improve the change of getting
your favorite issue addressed. You should give some thought to what you
can do to best achieve the goals you desire, rather than just slinging
insults at people.

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