I have several email accounts and to one of them I am receiving an email notice from a web forum when new posts are posted on threads I have subscribed to. The account is not used for any other purpose.

On SM 1.1.18 the emails concerning the same forum thread was always threaded in my inbox for the mail account. Now on SM 2.0 the threading don't work on that specific email account, as it does for all other accounts.

When testing to send "ordinary" email to the "forum mail account" and replying from and to it, the mails are threaded. So I guess something is changed in the way SM recognize the emails even if they have the same subject?

I can see in the mail header for the reply that it has a "References:" line, ref to the mail it reply's to. The mails with same subject that are not reply's has of course not any reference.

I can see the point in not threading mails that are not connected even if the subject is the same. But in this case with the mails from the web forum, I would appreciate if I could have an option to get them threaded by subject. Any chance to do that now or in the future, even if I had to do that manually for selected mails?

Cross posted to mozilla.dev.apps.seamonkey and mozilla.dev.planning, feel free to set follow up to the appropriate group.

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