On 12/15/2009 7:28 PM, Robert Kaiser wrote:
> As part of Mozilla's ongoing stability and security update process, 
> SeaMonkey 2.0.1 is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux as a free 
> download from www.seamonkey-project.org.
> We strongly recommend that all SeaMonkey and old suite users upgrade to 
> this latest release. If you already have SeaMonkey 2.0, you will receive 
> an automated update notification within 24 to 48 hours. This update can 
> also be applied manually by selecting "Check for Updates..." from the 
> Help menu.
> For a list of changes and more information, please review the SeaMonkey
> 2.0.1 Release Notes.
> Note: All SeaMonkey 1.x and old Mozilla or Netscape suite users are 
> encouraged to upgrade to SeaMonkey 2.0.x by downloading it from 
> www.seamonkey-project.org.
> Full news article:
> http://www.seamonkey-project.org/news#2009-12-15
> Downloads for all available platforms and languages:
> http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/
> Release notes:
> http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.0.1
> System Requirements:
> http://www.seamonkey-project.org/doc/2.0/system-requirements
> Robert Kaiser
> SeaMonkey project coordinator

I aleady have SeaMonkey 2.0 installed on Windows XP.

Via FTP, I see seamonkey-2.0-2.0.1.partial.mar at 1.2 MB and
seamonkey-2.0.1.complete.mar at 13.6 MB.  What is the difference?  If I
download one of these to archive, how do I install it on Windows XP from
my hard drive?

I also see SeaMonkey Setup 2.0.1.exe at 10.6 MB.  Why is
seamonkey-2.0.1.complete.mar 3 MB larger?

David E. Ross

Go to Mozdev at <http://www.mozdev.org/> for quick access to
extensions for Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and other
Mozilla-related applications.  You can access Mozdev much
more quickly than you can Mozilla Add-Ons.
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