Mark Hansen wrote:
On 12/16/2009 2:45 PM, John wrote:
Robert Kaiser wrote:
Paul wrote:
John wrote:
Just re installed 1.1.18 and all the problems I had with SM2.0
vanished. It was really annoying using SM2.0 it kept asking for a
username & password for email accounts. ugly.
I used Netscape 4.08 until a year ago, then went
to SM 1117. I am still with 1117.
I should be good now until about the year 2014.

I probably just need to realize there are people who give a sh*t about using secure software. ;-)

Robert Kaiser
What specifically are the security features of 2.0 and/or 2.01? I am willing to try almost anything but, there needs to be a good reason to do so.

I think you may be confusing "Security Features" with "Security Fixes".

Ever since the dawn of software (well, almost), there have been security
vulnerabilities which can be exploited by those who wish to do harm and/or
benefit at your expense. Each time one of these vulnerabilities is
discovered, software makers work to close them.

This type of cat and mouse game has really exploded with the advent of
the Internet.

I often hear people say something to the effect:

  "If the software I installed 4 years ago was working then, why
  shouldn't I be able to continue using it?"

The answer is that 4 years ago, no one knew about all the security
vulnerabilities that have been discovered in the last 4 years (note
that the time period has been arbitrarily chosen for discussion

The issue isn't that there are new security features in SM 2.0 (although
there may be), it's that no one is continuing to apply on-going security fixes
to the 1.1.X code base. "Security Fixes" is different from "Security Features".

What this means is that SM 1.1.18 is vulnerable to any security holes
discovered by the "bad guys" since it was delivered, and it's only going to
get worse as time moves on and new vulnerabilities are discovered.

Note that this is true for all software of this nature; There is nothing
particularly unsafe about SeaMonkey (as a product) in this regard.

I hope this helps explain things.

I totally understand the older the version the more time folks have to hack it or what ever, I read about this on the Mozilla information page but, I have serious concerns about how smoothly newer versions will run. SM2.0 was totally unacceptable. I have no reason to believe that 2.01 will be any better. I am going to have to think on this for awhile.

Thanks for the information.
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