Benoit Renard wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Benoit Renard wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
I do like the way we had a forms manager as in SM 1.1.x  and sad that it
removed because they didn't have the time, energy, know-how or desire to
do a port of it in the new code.

This is correct.

(Despite all the protestations otherwise by the developers, they decided
because they didn't use it there wasn't a need for it so they dumped

But this is wrong. You gave the correct explanation at first, so why do
you follow it up with lies?

Patches welcome.

It isn't a lie if they thought was useful for people to use. they would
have made the effort to find someone to look at and port it over. But
since they didn't use it they didn't see a need.

No one stepped up in the span of, what, two years, to work on it, and by
now they weren't going to hold up the release for it. You talk as if
it's easy to find someone to work on something, especially when everyone
is already busy doing other work.

Stop spreading nonsense already.

Well that made it easy to get rid of it. Did anyone bother look to find the originator of the original code?

No you don't need to hold up release if no one is willing/able to work on it.

no lies , just facts is facts.

It must have not been to0 terrible to code. I mean you have a person to come up with a replacement in the form of an add on. Get him to added it in SeaMonkey.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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