Hi Stanimir,

my problem is the to large text in the seamonkey UI. And all previous version (until 1.1.18)works fine and has adapt the underlaying system UI of eCS/os2.

Now i tried to use the userchrome-example.css in profile/chrome modified it and stored it under the name userchrome.css back. Did i something wrong because several different attempts show no effect. Any tips?

Have a nice day, karl

Stanimir Stamenkov schrieb:
Tue, 22 Dec 2009 18:11:01 +0100, /Karl/:

up to now i run SM1.1.18 under eCS2.0RC6a and tried to see how SM2.0 is usable for me. I am disappointed concerning windows display. The font size used are to large to describe the buttons and all other stuff including contents of some windows. My old window size is mostly to small to keep the text. The used times roman font is also not my favorite.

Where's the "times roman" font used - in Web content or in the SeaMonkey UI?

My question is: how can i modify or add which statements to about:config to adapt SM2.0 to look like SM1.1.18.

The Mozilla theme engine should pick the settings from the underlying system UI, but I really don't know what's the state with OS/2 (isn't eCS2.0 basically the same?) - whether there's an implementation for it. I guess you could ask the folks over in the mozilla.dev.ports.os2 group.

In any case, you could customize the UI appearance through your "userChrome.css". You could experiment with the following style rules:

window {
  font: 9px sans-serif !important;
dialog, wizard, page {
  font: 9px sans-serif !important;
button, toolbar, .toolbar-holder, toolbarbutton, tree {
  font: inherit !important;
statusbar, tooltip {
  font: 9px sans-serif !important;

You may also try using system font keywords [1], like:

dialog, wizard, page {
  font: message-box !important;

But I guess these should already be employed by the Classic SeaMonkey theme and if you get only "times roman" then they are not accessible from the underlying system UI through the theme engine, and the engine is falling back to some default ("times roman").

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#x11

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