On 26/12/09 18:56, Rufus wrote:
> Phillip Jones wrote:
>> I've re-examined the default theme.. Turns out there is not much to do
>> to get the grippy action back.
>> If you'll look ther is the actual bar but with a center Dot. (which
>> currently does nothing  put in code to click on the dot (circle) for
>> the fly up fly down or fly right left action to engage on clicking on
>> the dot, will fix the problem No extra cosmetic Changes needed I will
>> put some screen shots pointing out the dot, and put on my site for you
>> to look at.
> I like the suggestion someone posted to be able to click anywhere on the
> bar, and not just the dot.

Hi, I am that "someone"! :)
First, we have to be clear about which "grippies" we are referring to.

If we are talking about the grippies "for the toolbars, address area,
etc. at the left side of the window" that art was referring to in the OP
[1], IMHO on Mac OS X that function is better served by the pill button
in the top right corner of the window.

If we are talking about the grippies on the vertical and horizontal
splitter bars, I think that developers should not add the old grippy
appearance but only the old grippies function.
I've already written on this NG what I think about this issue.

Copy and paste from this post [2]:
"I've just spent some time looking at the referenced document and I
think I found the relevant information in the Controls -> View Controls
-> Split Views section.
Yes, the Apple HIG (<http://tinyurl.com/ybnp85b>) state that an
horizontal splitter cannot have "grippies" because the pointer should be
the same all over the splitter bar, but I didn't find anything
suggesting that an horizontal splitter cannot be double clicked to
automatically move it to the bottom of the window. In the same way, a
splitter bar at the bottom of the window could be double clicked to
restore it to its last position. In fact, this is the precise behavior
of the horizontal splitter bar that delimits the thread pane and message
pane in Apple Mail.app 3.6 (936), that is the last Mail.app version in
Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard. So, IMHO, the old behavior can be restored
without violating the Apple HIG. If you and/or Philip Chee don't agree,
please point us to the specific section of the specs that confirms your

By the way, are you sure that the new theme's splitters are "either
zero-width (1 pixel wide) or “thick” (9 pixels wide)"?
If not, *this* violates the Apple HIG.

I've just noticed that the vertical splitter between the addresses and
attachments areas in the message composition window is undoubtedly too
wide to conform to the specs."

> I'd even like it if Apple did that...

Well, Apple DOES that!

[1] <http://tinyurl.com/yzf74pk>
[2] <http://tinyurl.com/ylhjpjk>

Andrea "XFox" Govoni

AIM/iChat/ICQ: x...@mac.com
Yahoo! ID: xfox82
Skype Name: draykan

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