compositor wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
compositor wrote:

I made this post at MozillaZine community, but was wondering if someone
could answer it here instead.

Hope Someone can help!

I disagree with the post. I hate tabs worth a passion but that me I
prefer open windows and have new material replace the content of the
previous window. I have enough of a time concentrating on one window at
a time much less flipping from one to the other in tabs. I prefer doing
one thing at a time.

Besides with the slow 1mb Synchronous DSL line. SM2 is slow enough as it
is. and with items in tabs slow it down even more.
Now for as for putting X's to dimiss a tab if your going to use tabs
that is a good thing

Yes, I was told to use "middle click" that has solved at least one problem but others' exist as per forum post.

The problem needs a new title "I haven't studied preferences and config carefully." You can get the behavior you want, you just have to ask for it.

Bill Davidsen <>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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