I would like to know what the difference is between "Sort by: Date" and "Sort by: Received"?

After years with using the Suite and now SeaMonkey, I still haven't discovered the difference in hoe the mails and news posts/threads are sorted. As it seems to me, the sort order for threads in both cases is by the newest post, making the "visible" dates disordered since the older posts are covering the new.

When choosing "Sort by: Order Received" I can see that the threads are sorted by the date of first post in the thread as it also is the oldest post.

The other thing that puzzles me is, when changing the sorting in any way (e.g. from "Date" to "Order Received") the date order is "automatically" changed. I considered this as a bug that I hope can be corrected.

I prefer to see the threads/mails in Descended order, but every time I change any other sort option, the date order is changed to Ascending order and I have to go back to View -> Sort by to change it back to Descending. Why can't that option stay even if I change an other sort option?

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