Arne wrote:

Mark Hansen wrote:
On 1/11/2010 3:41 AM, Arne wrote:
I would like to know what the difference is between "Sort by: Date"
and "Sort by: Received"?

Do you mean "Sort by: Order Received"? That is the date/time the message
showed up on your doorstep, regardless of the date shown in the Date
header of the message. These can be different.

No, I don't mean "Sort by: Order Received". As I wrote, I can see what happen with that sort order. But I can't see what happen with the "plain" Received sorting that is different from sorting by Date.

OK, here's a theory:

If you look at a message header, you'll see that it contains Date: and Received: fields. The Date: field is the date attached by the sending computer, which may or may not be accurate. The Received: fields are attached by the various servers that handle the message en route.

So if you sort by Date:, you're sorting by when the sender's computer thought it sent it, and if you sort by Received:, you're sorting by when one of the mail servers thought it got it. Could be as much as several days apart.

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Paul B. Gallagher
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