jim wrote:

The idea is to clone 2.01 from machine 1 (aka M1)to Machine 2 (aka M2) and
the particulars of my last failures follow:

So far, Sea Monkey 2.0.1 has defeated me on this insofar as bookmarks.

Plan A

1. Uninstalled SM 2.0.1 from M2.
2. Reinstalled SM 2.0.1 on M2 without launching SM after install complete.
3. Copied entire SM profile (about 34 subdirectories) from Doc.&  Set. in
M1 to M2.
4. Prepped prefs.js by doing mass change of M1 name (jim) to M2 name (PC1)
    (operation detail -- Qedit reported 11 changes made, EXCEPT I did not
change 2  entries specifically for IRC in Prefs.js where "jim" is the user
name and those CMD entries did not refer to Doc.&  Set. location)
5. Replaced places.sqlite on m2 with m1 copy.

6.. started SM2 on M2.

Result of intended operation -- failure PLUS.
The PLUS was that not only did I have no bookmarks transferred *but* the
personal toolbar was also locked and I could not drag&  drop items from
the Navigation window.

(The profile copy was successful since the Adblock icon now appeared on
Personal toolbar -- and was operable -- of M2 browser and in the M2 SM
email client, all subfolders, filters and mail were present and operable.)

End initial attempt at elegant symphony.  :-)
(it should have worked -- unless SQL recognized the file as not its own
though a little used facility of the file descriptor....maybe)

Enter Plan B:

1. Export bookmarks from M1 to file (bookmarks.html) on shared folder on
2. Import bookmarks to M2 (using "manage bookmarks")

3. For that session, there were 536 "objects" in bookmark manager and
bookmarks did exist from toolbar call of bookmarks but not on Personal

4. I unset and reset "bookmarks toolbar" as personal toolbar.
Result:  Personal toolbar populated with proper bookmarks and folders.


When i closed and reopened SM on M2, all bookmarks had disappeared.

(I did Plan A and Plan B complete operations several times)

Any ideas?


Assuming Windoze, and default installation locations:

1. Install SM on target computer.

2. Shut down SM on both computers _completely_.

3. On target computer, completely delete folder "C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey", and all its subfolders.

4. Also on target computer, completely delete folder "C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Mozilla", and all its subfolders.

5. Copy those same two folders, and all their subfolders, from the source computer to the target computer. DO NOT CHANGE ANY FILES.

6. Start SM on the target computer.

I used this strategy to clone my desktop's SM to my laptop; I use a standard folder synchronization program between the two machines (for the folders indicated above) to keep 'em in line. -JW
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