On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 10:54:26 -0500, "J. Weaver Jr."
<j...@pospamsucksbox.com> in mozilla.support.seamonkey wrote:

>jim wrote:
>> The idea is to clone 2.01 from machine 1 (aka M1)to Machine 2 (aka M2) and
>> the particulars of my last failures follow:
>> So far, Sea Monkey 2.0.1 has defeated me on this insofar as bookmarks.
>> Plan A
>> 1. Uninstalled SM 2.0.1 from M2.
>> 2. Reinstalled SM 2.0.1 on M2 without launching SM after install complete.
>> 3. Copied entire SM profile (about 34 subdirectories) from Doc.&  Set. in
>> M1 to M2.
>> 4. Prepped prefs.js by doing mass change of M1 name (jim) to M2 name (PC1)
>>     (operation detail -- Qedit reported 11 changes made, EXCEPT I did not
>> change 2  entries specifically for IRC in Prefs.js where "jim" is the user
>> name and those CMD entries did not refer to Doc.&  Set. location)
>> 5. Replaced places.sqlite on m2 with m1 copy.
>> 6.. started SM2 on M2.
>> Result of intended operation -- failure PLUS.
>> The PLUS was that not only did I have no bookmarks transferred *but* the
>> personal toolbar was also locked and I could not drag&  drop items from
>> the Navigation window.
>> (The profile copy was successful since the Adblock icon now appeared on
>> Personal toolbar -- and was operable -- of M2 browser and in the M2 SM
>> email client, all subfolders, filters and mail were present and operable.)
>> End initial attempt at elegant symphony.  :-)
>> (it should have worked -- unless SQL recognized the file as not its own
>> though a little used facility of the file descriptor....maybe)
>> Enter Plan B:
>> 1. Export bookmarks from M1 to file (bookmarks.html) on shared folder on
>> M1.
>> 2. Import bookmarks to M2 (using "manage bookmarks")
>> 3. For that session, there were 536 "objects" in bookmark manager and
>> bookmarks did exist from toolbar call of bookmarks but not on Personal
>> Toolbar.
>> 4. I unset and reset "bookmarks toolbar" as personal toolbar.
>> Result:  Personal toolbar populated with proper bookmarks and folders.
>> BUT
>> When i closed and reopened SM on M2, all bookmarks had disappeared.
>> (I did Plan A and Plan B complete operations several times)
>> Any ideas?
>> jim
>Assuming Windoze, and default installation locations:
>1. Install SM on target computer.
>2. Shut down SM on both computers _completely_.
>3. On target computer, completely delete folder "C:\Program 
>Files\SeaMonkey", and all its subfolders.
>4. Also on target computer, completely delete folder "C:\Documents and 
>Settings\[username]\Application Data\Mozilla", and all its subfolders.
>5. Copy those same two folders, and all their subfolders, from the 
>source computer to the target computer. DO NOT CHANGE ANY FILES.
>6. Start SM on the target computer.
>I used this strategy to clone my desktop's SM to my laptop; I use a 
>standard folder synchronization program between the two machines (for 
>the folders indicated above) to keep 'em in line.  -JW

I will try that *precisely* as you state it and I hope that I get the same
result that you did.



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