On 01/31/2010 12:13 PM, Benoit Renard wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 01/29/2010 03:36 PM, Russell wrote:
>>> As someone who's been on the web since the beginning with Mosaic , then
>>> Netscape, then AOL Netscape (ugh) , then Netscape re-born as Seamonkey, 
>>> it's a
>>> sad day to have to give up and move on, 
>>> The end comes with v2.x, Seamonkey and the decision to no longer be a simple
>>> browser, but that it must be an ‘all or nothing' suite. So if you need to 
>>> use
>>> another email client then it will just screw up your whole way of working. 
>> Really? And early versions of Netscape were just simple browsers?
>> I still have both Mosaic and Netscape on disk, including a version of
>> the first Netscape w/support license. I suppose I could pull it out of
>> the archives (shelf) and check it, but I seem to recall that it included
>> an email client.
> He's referring to the now missing "Browser only" install option.

OK. Let's see... Firefox (linux) is a 9.4Mb download, SeaMonkey (linux)
is 13Mb. Let's just suppose one want's to use Thunderbird as an email
client.. that's 10.9Mb (linux) download.

In any event, SM can easily be run as a browser only, but I seriously
doubt that Russell only did that through all of his Netscape to
SeaMonkey transitions.

I reckon we'll never know as he's already opted to go off to some other
M$ X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846

If you may recall, Russell was the author of the "Seamonkey v2 RC - How
to disable email feature?" in which I _think_ solutions were provided to
resolve his issue. In fact, KristleBawl provide information on doing so.
In the thread I also found some isues. At that point Russell
could/should have filed a bug if the problem continued to be a problem
for him. Me thinks that Russell has just posted a troll... no details
are provided, the post smacks of someone that simply just wanted to find
an excuse to move on. So perhaps we can do the same?

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