»Q« wrote:
Leonidas Jones<leonidasjo...@netscape.net>  wrote:

»Q« wrote:

I've installed a browser-only SM 2.0.2.  To get mailto links
working, I had to edit my profile's mimeTypes.rdf, but it works.

Okay, how did you install it browser only?

I'm using and OS, Gentoo GNU/Linux, for which everything is compiled on
the user's machine.  Using the configure arguments

   --disable-mailnews --disable-composer

prevents those components aren't built.  AFAIK, it's not possible to
install only the browser without compiling it yourself, but I guess
someone could come along and provide precompiled browser-only
installers for Windows and Mac.

I see. I've never got around to compiling a build. Maybe a summer project? One of these days.

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