Specifically, I have this problem:

I have a simple Linux installation based on Ubuntu 9.04 mini.iso. It does not
use any desktop, only the Fluxbox WM. For printing, I use LPRng. Printers
are defined in /etc/printcap. Command line printing works.
In this setup, I had no problems in Seamonkey 1.x.y
with printing directly to a real printer. Using pref.js transferred from
Mozilla suite on Windows, with a o lot of printer preferences defined.
After I selected a printer in the Seamonkey 1 print dialog, I was presented
a LPR command window where I could further modify the lpr command for the given
Recently I have switched to Seamonkey 2, using again the same user profile
(pref.js) as before, including all the printer/printing settings.
Seamonkey 2.0.x seems to ignore most of these, and does not recognize
any printer, only presents the possibility Print to File.
Setting environmental variables PRINTER, MOZ_PRINTER_NAME_LIST, etc did
not help.

Do you have any idea how to at least force Seamonkey 2 to offer an
LPR command window in the print dialog?

I have noticed that some other graphical application (e.g., epdfview) also do not recognize any printers besides "Print to File" and do not offer
new printer installation.
So maybe there is a missing package in my system that provides interface
between the print dialogs of graphical applications and LPRng. Is there
such simple package? (I am not interested in full desktops or CUPS)

On the other hand, e.g. gv offers the LPR command line window
after pushing the PRINT button even now. Could this be enabled also
in Seamonkey 2?

Thanks for any advice!
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