Peter Nieman wrote:
On 04/02/10 11:40, Miro wrote:
Seamonkey 2.0.x seems to ignore most of these, and does not recognize
any printer, only presents the possibility Print to File.

For me (Debian user), the solution was to add the following line to the
file ".gtkrc-2.0" in my home directory:

gtk-print-backends = "lpr,file"

Create a new file with that name and content, if it does not exist.

However, Seamonkey does not remember any changes to the printing command
you might wish to make in the print dialog. I think that's a known bug
(in GTK perhaps).

Thanks! It worked for me, too.
Forgetting print command changes does not bother me that much as one can defined in /etc/printcap several entries with short names for the same printer with different options for the filter ifhp (e.g., for 2-side printing, :if=/usr/lib/ifhp/ifhp -Tduplex=on).
What makes me more angry is that the footer and header settings are forgotten, 
I tried to add the preference   print.save_print_settings   set to  true.
It did not help. It just caused that sometime the changed header and footer settings were actually written into the pref.js file, but as the print_command settings, they are always ignored when printing the next time.

Hope that this bug will be corrected in a future release.

I also tried to add to pres.js for Print_to_LPR the same set of print.tmp.printerfeatures that were there for PostScript/Default, and even added two more for print_command and 12 more for headers/footers, such as:
user_pref("print.tmp.printerfeatures.Print_to_LPR.supports_headerright_change", true); Although they showed in about:config, they had no effect, and are probably illegal, because Seamonkey did not write any of my print.tmp.printerfeatures.Print_to_LPR.... back into prefs.js on the next closing.

Otherwise, I am happy with Seamonkey ...
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