Chris Ilias wrote:
On 10-02-04 3:46 PM, Rufus wrote: then, there aren't really any "volunteers"? I'm having a real hrad
time grasping this business model...or understanding how this "company"
could be organized. If it is...

That's because you're viewing it as all or nothing. Most contributors are volunteers. Development (and most other things at Mozilla) are done in the open, and available for anyone to participate. If the Mozilla Corporation or Mozilla Messaging decide that they need someone to work full-time on something, they try to hire them.

Where I get confused is that I read a lot of posts here that fall back on - "but we're just all volunteers, the other guys are paid"...which comes off sounding like I should expect less.

What I really think is that everyone involved is equally competent - paid or not. And when things all start looking the same or similar between products, it starts looking like you are all working together in any event. So...just what should I expect?

     - Rufus
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