Rufus wrote:
Philip Chee wrote:
On Wed, 03 Feb 2010 21:42:17 -0800, Rufus wrote:

... but that's something you're going to have to explain to me - all
this "hired" vs "volunteer" stuff.  Who's who, and how are they doing what?

Momo All-Hands 2009 (Meeting of Mozilla Messaging employees in
Vancouver, BC, Canada in August 2009) do they make money?..just what is it that they sell?

Seeing as all these apps are free, I've been assuming that everyone is a
"volunteer".  So, just who is paying the "hired guns", how do they make
enough money on a free product to get paid, and just why and what keeps
it all free?

Dude, never heard of google?

State of Mozilla and 2008 Financial Statements

Checking in on Mozilla's Financial Health

Much of the money Mozilla makes in profit comes from a Google search deal.

Mozilla: Still too dependent on Google for revenue; Can it diversify?


I thought Mozilla was a open source project...did that stop?..which was
why I though everybody doing this stuff (other than Apple with Safari)
were "volunteers"...

...ok, so now we're lead back to "code sharing" and "conspiracy
theories"...which is it?  Mozilla "belongs" to Google?  Or gets paid by
them just because you can navigate to Google with them?  I still don't
get it.

I remember that the only add-on I've put into SM was to make Google my
default search somebody got paid and it's built in now?

Google pays Mozilla so much a hit when using Mozilla Browsers.

After the comments that Google Prez said which amounted Google could care less about Privacy and Security. And Asa comments recommending Mozilla Users use Bing instead as a result of the comments. That might end in the future. It was reported in cNet and ZDnet just couple of weeks ago or so. Basically The Google Big wig said privacy and security of the information they handle is not their responsibility.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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