Andrea Govoni wrote:
On 15/02/10 12:42, Daniel wrote:

Andrea, are we talking about the same thing??

After reading this message, I don't think so.

Two situations. Whilst you are reading here, you also have your browser
open set to whatever your home page may be. You then click on the above
link to make sure it is the right message.

In one situation, the page opens in a Tab of your browser,
sharing the browser with your homepage. In the other situation, a second
browser opens to display the all on its own.

One browser window with two tabs open or two browser windows each with
one tab open.

Finally I understand why you don't understand.
You're missing a third situation, the one that I, Philip Jones and
others called "same window". In this situation, the Google Groups page
opens in the *same window* of the homepage, replacing its content (the
homepage) with the new content (the Google Groups page). The result is
always one browser window with only one open tab.
To enable this behavior go to Preferences… -->  Browser -->  Tabbed
Browsing -->  Links from other applications -->  The current tab/window.

OK, so we've moved on from the original New Windows v Tabs to just using the same window. OK, Andrea, I can live with that!!

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