Dean Scott wrote:

Ever since 2.x, the sidebar search entry field turns spaces into %
symbols after a search is performed.

For instance, I have Google as the default, and when I type in "some
thing with spaces" and hit return, the entry line becomes
"some%thing%with%spaces" (that was a direct copy/paste) while the actual
Google website page search field contains "some thing with spaces" UNTIL
I click the sidebar search button again, then the web page field is
populated with "some%thing%with%spaces"

Any idea why?

Character encoding is the default western (ISO-8859-1).

Running SM 2.0.3 on Windows 7 Ultimate x64.


Dean, when you actually do the search, does it return millions of pages that have "some" in them, millions of pages that have "thing" in them, etc, etc or just the pages that have "some thing with spaces" in them??

In other words, is the % a magic "connecting" character??

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