On 2/28/2010 10:24 AM, Frog wrote:

> I have discovered that I may have a profile situation that needs to be
> fixed.  When I click Start>ALL Programs>SeaMonkey>Profile Manager I see
> nothing but Default listed under Available Profiles.  When I click on 
> Default, I am taken to the 2.0.3  browser page.  I thought I understood 
> that my 1.1.8 Profile would automatically be copied to 2.0.3--was I 
> wrong?  Should I do something about the Default profile situation?  Can 
> I simply rename the Default entry to some other name or should I make a 
> new Profile?  Will a new profile know all of the settings that were 
> moved from 1.1.18 to 2.0.3?  Is it likely that fixing this situation 
> will fix my "Go" problem?
> Guidance welcomed.
> Frog

Remember all the work you did to create SM 1.1.X and SM 2.X versions
of the shortcuts on your desktop?

Well, you didn't do that for the Start menu. What you have in the
start menu is what was placed there my the last SM installation that
was done.

Also, keep in mind that when you look at the SM 1.1.X profile manager,
you're looking at the SM 1.1.X profiles only - not the SM 2.X profiles.
Similarly, when you're running the SM 2.X profile manager, you're looking
at the SM 2.X profiles only.

The other rule about running only one version of SM at a time apply here
as well. If you have SM 1.1.X open, and you attempt to launch the SM 2.X
profile manager, you're going to get the SM 1.1.X profile manager.

Finally, your SM 1.1.X profile settings were not "moved" to the newly-
created SM 2.X profile - They were "migrated". The SM 1.1.X profile
will still exist, untouched by the migration. The SM 2.X profile will
exist completely separate from the SM 1.1.X profile.

I hope this helps clear some things up for you.

Best Regards,
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